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Family Hog Hunt!


Cable grew up in Dallas, TX. Some of his earliest memories are of camping and fishing trips with his dad and brother. He credits his father an avid bass angler- for teaching him to appreciate and respect the beautiful resources that God has given us. Bird watching and identification was also a past time they spent hours sharing.

After graduating from Bishop Lynch High School, Cable went on to Baylor University where he began to study business. It didn’t take long for him to realize that sitting behind a desk in a suit and tie wasn’t for him. Being in the outdoors and talking sports were his true passion. He then changed his major to Radio Television and Film and transferred to the University of North Texas where he earned his BA while minoring in Social Sciences.

While at North Texas Cable began to work at Sports Radio 1310 The Ticket which opened the door for a position at a talk radio station in East Texas. Cable and his lovely wife Erin returned from their honeymoon, packed their bags and moved to Texarkana. His responsibilities at Amen 900 KPYN included broadcasting daily news and sportscasts, live play-by-play of area high school sports, hosting a weekly sports talk show and an outdoors show. After work he would often spend hours in the East Texas Piney Woods or fishing the vast waters of Lake Wright Patman.

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